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Courseware 7: Pronouns

What is a Pronoun?

A pronoun can replace a noun or another pronoun. You use pronouns like "he," "which," "none," and "you" to make your sentences less cumbersome and less repetitive.

Grammarians classify pronouns into several types, including the personal pronoun, the demonstrative pronoun, the interrogative pronoun, the indefinite pronoun, the relative pronoun, the reflexive pronoun, and the intensive pronoun.

Personal Pronouns

A personal pronoun refers to a specific person or thing and changes its form to indicate person, number, gender, and case.

Subjective Personal Pronouns

A subjective personal pronoun indicates that the pronoun is acting as the subject of the sentence. The subjective personal pronouns are "I," "you," "she," "he," "it," "we," "you," "they."

In the following sentences, each of the highlighted words is a subjective personal pronoun and acts as the subject of the sentence:

I was glad to find the bus pass in the bottom of the green knapsack.
You are surely the strangest child I have ever met.
He stole the selkie's skin and forced her to live with him.
When she was a young woman, she earned her living as a coal miner.
After many years, they returned to their homeland.
We will meet at the library at 3:30 p.m.
It is on the counter.


Now, here is the preview on how this courseware works. This courseware is hopefully can be use as a guideline for teacher to teach their students about personal pronouns better. You may change the materials using your own creativity as well. Happy learning English! :)

Please click here to get this courseware. Happy Learning English...Thank You :)

Courseware 6 : Nursery Rhymes

Generally, nursery rhymes are reflecting events in history and where available included the meanings, history and origins of everyone's favourite nursery rhymes. Learning nursery rhymes make the learning session much fun and attractive.

        Now, here is the preview on how this courseware works. This courseware is hopefully can be use as a guideline for teacher to teach their students about nursery rhymes better. You may change the materials using your own creativity as well. Happy learning English! :)

Please click here to get this courseware. Happy Learning English...Thank You :)

Courseware 5 : Directions

       The purpose of this courseware to get the students to practice giving instructions to places pointed based on directions to take and other buildings in the vicinity: It's on the left side, in front of the shops. This is a fairly simple role-play intended for beginners (or perhaps even beginners). In short, students will call up their classmates and ask if they want to get proper directions. The student then will discuss on how to get better instruction of directions and how to get to those places in groups.

        Now, here is the preview on how this courseware works. This courseware are hopefully can be use as a guideline for teacher to teach their students about directions. You may change the materials using your own creativity as well. Happy learning English! :)

 Please click here to get this  courseware. Happy Learning English...Thank you! :) 

Courseware 4 : Lagu Patriotik

Assalamualaikum, Salam Sejahtera, Salam 1 Malaysia semua...

Sekarang sudah masuk Februari 2012, sudah lama jugak rasanya saya tak masukkan  courseware terbaru dalam blog ni. Sebagai makluman, paparan pada tahun ini adalah lebih santai berbanding tahun 2011. Maklumlah, dunia makin berubah, tanggungjawab pun makin bertambah, sabor jerlah...hehe! Ok! Pada paparan kali ini saya akan kongsikan sebuah  courseware bertemakan semangat patriotisme. Maklumlah, awal tahun...semangat sikit! 

          Courseware 4 : Lagu Patriotik ini dihasilkan menggunakan Microsoft Office PowerPoint dengan bermatlamat untuk memudahkan para pendidik bagaimana penggunaan TMK dalam bilik darjah dapat diaplikasikan. Ini selari dengan saranan kerajaan yang mahukan para guru mengaplikasikan penggunaan ICT dalam bilik darjah. Dalam kata lain, para guru digalakkan melaksanakan aktiviti pembelajaran secara rojak (blended-learning), pembelajaran masteri (mastery learning), pembelajaran yang menyeronokkan (fun-in-learning) dan sebagainya.

          Lagu Patriotik merupakan satu bahan bantu mengajar yang digubah bagi memudahkan para guru mengajar para pelajar menggunakan TMK dalam bilik darjah. Diharap bahan ini dapat membantu dalam menyampaikan maklumat berkaitan dengan cara yang lebih santai dan berkesan. Ianya juga lebih mudah untuk difahami dengan bantuan gabungan aplikasi ICT dan multimedia dalam pembikinannya. Berikut adalah paparannya:


          Semoga bahan ini sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu para pendidik dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran. Courseware ini boleh diubahsuai dan dimurnikan lagi mengikut kesesuaian dan kreativiti masing-masing. 

         Sila klik di sini bagi memuat turun bahan ini. Semoga perkongsian ini ada manfaatnya kelak. Sekian Terima kasih.

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